Coordinate Server
1.4.9, powered by LiteMol

CoordinateServer is a fast, web-based tool for returning a subset of mmCIF coordinate data for a PDB entry held in the PDB archive. The server is able to return the specific portions of the structure that are relevant, as specified in your query. For example, the coordinates of the atoms within a 5Å radius around the ligand binding site, including symmetry mates. As a result, it greatly reduces the time needed to transmit and manipulate the data.

The server uses the text based CIF and binary BinaryCIF formats to deliver the data to the client. The server support is integrated into the LiteMol Viewer.

Residues Inside a Sphere /ambientResidues
Identifies all residues within the given radius from the source residue.

Assembly /assembly
Constructs assembly with the given id.

Backbone Atoms /backbone
Atoms named N, CA, C, O, P, OP1, OP2, O3', O5', C3', C4, C5' from polymer entities.

Cartoon Representation /cartoon
Atoms necessary to construct cartoons representation of the molecule (atoms named CA, O, O5', C3', N3 from polymer entities) + HET atoms + water.

Specific Chains /chains
Chains that satisfy the given parameters.

Specific Entities /entities
Entities that satisfy the given parameters.

Full Structure /full
The full structure.

HET Atoms /het
All non-water 'HETATM' records.

Ligand Interaction /ligandInteraction
Identifies symmetry mates and returns the specified atom set and all residues within the given radius.

Residue Range /residueRange
Residues that satisfy the given parameters. Specify either [entityId + asymId + range] or [authAsymId + range]; if authAsymId is specified, entityId and asymId are ignored.

Specific Residues /residues
Residues that satisfy the given parameters.

Sidechain Atoms /sidechain
Atoms not named N, CA, C, O, P, OP1, OP2, O3', O5', C3', C4, C5' from polymer entities.

Symmetry Mates /symmetryMates
Identifies symmetry mates within the given radius.

C-Alpha/P Trace /trace
Atoms named CA and P from polymer entities + optionally HET and/or water atoms.

Water Atoms /water
Atoms from entities with type water.

© 2016 – now, David Sehnal | LiteMol Core 3.2.3 - Feb 1 2019 | Node v20.10.0