

Database of biomacromolecular structure validation trends

Welcome to the ValTrendsDB web database. It contains data that represent results of biomacromolecular structure and ligand factor relationships analysis. These analyses had been carried out with the point of discovering interesting and scientifically significant relationships between various factors, such as quality criteria, size and metadata of biomacromolecules.

Data for the current version of the analysis have been obtained on 11th April 2024 from two sources. Data about biomacromolecules and ligands, as well as reports of biomacromolecule and ligand validation results, have been downloaded from the Protein Data Bank in Europe database (PDB). Additional validation results of ligands have been obtained from the ValidatorDB database. ValTrendsDB contains factors for 218,196 PDB entries.

Page Explore relationships lets you explore relationships between pairs of factors via plots with pre-defined settings that were determined during statistical validation of analysis data. On the contrary, page Custom visualization enables you to explore relationships between pairs of factors using plots drawn with custom parameters. If you do not know where to start, visit page Key trends, where you can find some of the most interesting trends. You can also visualize values of one or more PDB entries in each plot - page Examples contains inspirational use cases for this functionality. Value distribution of factors and relationship strength of their pairs can be viewed on page Statistics. Page Data download contains links to the whole dataset of this database. If you require more information about this website, feel free to visit the Help page.

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